每年, 数以百万计的欺诈报告被归档, 由于与欺诈有关的犯罪,受害者损失了数十亿美元. 随着欺诈变得越来越猖獗, it is essential to stay informed and take actions to protect yourself and your family against fraud and scams. It’s time to level up and become a pro at spotting common warning signs that you may be dealing with fraud:

1. 有一个问题或奖品.
Example: You get notified that you’ve won a lottery or contest and are told to claim a prize. 近年来,出版商的票据交换所骗局越来越多. If you are told you won a prize and personal information is needed to claim the prize do not engage, 这很可能是个骗局. 

2. 你面临一个紧急请求.
Scammers often pressure victims into making a quick decision or action, leading to poor judgement. 有时他们甚至可以假装是家庭成员. 在做任何事情之前,花点时间做调查! If the call does seem to be from someone you know, hang up and call them directly to make sure. 

3. 你的网赌最好最大平台账户上出现了意想不到的费用.
如果欺诈者未经授权访问您的帐户信息, they may swipe your debit or credit card for a purchase you did not make.

4. 你收到了一张意想不到的支票或一张你没有申请的信用卡.
支票可以挂号信或其他递送方式到达, 有时需要签名, 没有指示. 不兑现支票!

5. 你被要求通过电话核实敏感信息.
一个骗子要你的社会安全号码, address, 电话号码, 工作经历, 贷款数量, 等. Please remember Arbor will 从来没有 ask for your account number or passwords over the phone. If you are ever in doubt hang up and call us back directly to confirm legitimacy. 

6. Unfamiliar accounts or inaccurate information appear on your credit report.
你有资格获得 免费的年度信用检查,包括查看你的信用报告.

7. You’re threatened with severe consequences if you don’t comply with the scammer.
You may be told if you don’t deposit a check for the scammer, you will face jail time.

8. 你收到一封看起来不太对劲的邮件.
密切关注回复地址,确保合法性, 不要点击可疑邮件中的链接. 

9. 这似乎好得令人难以置信.

10. 你被要求提前付款, 尤其是通过一种不同寻常的支付方式, 像cryptocurrency, 礼品卡, 或者汇款.
Scams can come in several different forms and are getting increasingly sophisticated, 因此保持警惕,保护自己不成为受害者是至关重要的. 瑞安福尔摩斯, 风险管理总监, 说, “随着COVID的出现和大流行的影响, 欺诈现象确实加剧了. 有这么多的诈骗正在进行中, one thing we want members to understand is that Arbor Financial is here for them. We are always willing to explain how these schemes work and to help with your unique situation. 欺诈可能导致巨额损失和身份被盗, 因此,最好尽快识别这些骗局.”


• A fraudster sends you a counterfeit check and tells you to deposit it in your bank account, then wire part of the sum back to them or purchase 礼品卡 to send back. 因为支票是假的, 受害人必须向其金融机构支付支票金额, 除了电汇的钱. 一些场景包括 汽车包装骗局.

• A fraudster sends a 文本 alert – appearing to come from a financial institution - warning members of suspicious transactions, 贷款审批或申请. 如果你对文本有反应, 骗子可能会用一个伪造的号码给你打电话, 自称是诈骗部门的, 并询问您的网上网赌最好最大平台用户名或密码. 在获得这些信息之后, the fraudster uses it to log in to your account and gain access to sensitive information. 
警惕貌似来自Arbor金融公司的短信或电话. If you are in question of any communication you receive seemingly from Arbor Financial, 269给我们打个电话.375.6702. 请记住,我们会的 从来没有 通过电话询问你的账号或密码.

•国税局 & 税务诈骗:经常, 骗子会使用普通邮件, 电话, 或电子邮件,以了解与国税局有关的各种骗局, 税, 还有失业救济金. 还记得, 国税局不会通过电子邮件与纳税人联系, 文本, 或者通过社交媒体渠道索要个人或财务信息. 了解最新的骗局,请阅读 国税局的税务诈骗/消费者警报.

•网络钓鱼诈骗可能以电子邮件和短信的形式出现, 看起来他们来自你认识或信任的公司或个人, and often tell a false story to convince you to open a link or attachment. 它们可能包括可疑活动的声明, 你的付款信息有问题, 或者是否有资格获得政府退款. 随时了解最新的诈骗信息 联邦贸易委员会. 还记得 to always hoover over the replay address or check the 电话号码 carefully to ensure it is accurate. 记住,如果一件事好得令人难以置信,那它很可能就是真的.

• COVID-19 scams: Fraudsters continue to try and scam people using many tools and by following news headlines to adapt their message. 根据美国卫生与公众服务部(HHS), 消费者应注意以下疫苗骗局的迹象:

  • 网站、社交媒体帖子、电子邮件或电话上的疫苗广告.

  • 提供销售或运输COVID-19疫苗剂量.

要了解更多关于保护自己安全的知识, 参观我们的保安中心. 有关按揭诈骗和保护的具体信息, 访问我们的抵押贷款帮助中心

Stay up to date on the most recent scams, as well as how to report scams, with the FTC by 点击这里. If you suspect you may have fallen victim to identity theft, you should immediately:

1. 联系 the three major credit bureaus and request a fraud alert be placed on your credit report.
equifax: 800-525-6285
-TransUnion: 800-680-7289

2. 拨打269呼叫Arbor金融信用合作社.375.6702并要求会员服务.

